How to Secure Items in Your Flat's Storage Unit

Many blocks of flats offer extra storage units for their tenants to use. Typically, these storage units are not in your flat. Rather, they are located together in a central location, often the basement of the building. If you want to ensure your possessions are safe, you may want to check out these tips.

1. Make Sure the Area Is Secure

Ideally, your building should be secure, and only residents or their guests should be able to enter. However, some buildings don't take those precautions, and anyone can walk through the front door.

If your building falls into the latter category, you may want to ensure that there is some extra protection on the door leading to the storage area. At the very least, you may want to suggest to the landlord to put a lock on that door and give every tenant a key.

2. Add Your Own Lock to the Unit

In addition to thinking about the door, you should also about the security of the unit itself. To bolster security, you may want to add your own lock. Make sure that is in line with the rules of the building. If not, you may risk having a landlord cut through the lock.

Consider a padlock or an electronic lock with the code, and if your landlord requires, you may want to give him or her a copy of the key or code.

3. Cover Valuables

The storage units in some blocks of flats are lined with metal grates, and anyone in the area can see into the unit. To reduce the risk of threat, you may want to cover valuable items. Put small antiques and electronics into boxes, and put a tarp over power tools, bicycles or other large valuables.

4. Hire an On-Site Storage Unit

If you ultimately determine that the storage unit in your building is too risky, you may want to hire space in a commercial storage unit. Look for a facility that has built-in locks and on-site security. If possible, do a crime search to make sure that the facility has not been hit by theft lately, and if so, talk with the storage unit operator about any steps they've taken to mitigate the problem.

5. Have Insurance Coverage

Finally, whether your items are stored on-site or in another location, you should make sure that you have insurance coverage. Contact the agent for your renter's policy, and make sure it covers items in storage. Also, add special riders for valuable items as needed.
