Installing a Shipping Container: 3 Types of Foundations

A shipping container is a great long term storage solution. However, if you have recently invested in a shipping container, you will need to take some steps to prepare the ground it will be stored on. Firstly, you will need to make sure that the area is accessible to the delivery truck. You will also need to make sure that the area is free of any debris. Finally, you will need to consider the type of foundation you wish to use to support the container. Below is a guide to 3 types of foundations you can use when installing a shipping container on your property.

Pier Foundations

Pier foundations are made up of slabs of steel-reinforced concrete. The benefit of this type of foundation is that it is affordable and easy to install. You simply need to lay the slabs of concrete on the ground where you wish to position your shipping container. You should position one slab at the point where each corner of the container will stand and two slabs in the middle of the area to support the base of the container. The slabs will raise the container off the ground, which will improve ventilation and help to prevent condensation forming on its base.

Pile Foundations

If you plan to locate your shipping container on soft ground such as sand or clay, you will not be able to use pier foundations as they will sink. Instead, you should opt for pile foundations. Pile foundations are made up of steel tubes which are inserted into the soft ground until they make contact with a more stable ground type that will be able to bear the load of the shipping container. Concrete slabs are then attached to the top of the steel tube to support the base of the container. Because this method requires a pile driver, you may need to call in a specialist contractor.

Raft Foundation

Raft foundations are usually installed when the ground is too unstable to support the weight of a shipping container. A raft foundation involves excavating the area and laying a foundation of sand and gravel. A layer of concrete is then poured over this to create a raft onto which the shipping container can be placed. Because this type of foundation does not feature any hollow spaces, it is very durable.

If you would like to find out more about preparing your property for the delivery of a shipping container, you should contact a storage company, such as Tasbulk Pty Ltd, today.
